
Lab #21--Creative Lab!


Okay, so it's not what you think it is--there has been a thought process behind this picture, so beautifully drawn (and scanned onto the computer by Baron!) Our idea was--let's move on from America's social capital. What does the whole world have in common? What is one of the basic parts of humanity? Love! There it was! We all love a few things, it is one of the foundations of our being. We all love:

1. Family. This can be broken down into two: romantic love of family (spouse) and love for the rest of your family, which is still a very strong bond (love for parents, love for children.)
2. Friends. This can also be considered people in general. Besides friendship, one type of love, Kevin and I think that humans also have a general love for other humans. We are (most of us) programmed to love our neighbors.
3. Home. This isn't just where you live--it's the place you feel attached to. Patriotism can fit into this category, as well as love for the beach, the mountains, the ocean, etc., and also your specific love for the house in which you live.

So these are what bring all humans on Earth together, these fundamental needs. We hope you liked our drawing!!


  1. I thouroughly enjoy your picture, and I think that it was a very good "creative idea" to think of what everyone in the world, not just the US, has in common.
    Kim Idol :)

  2. I really love the first section with the drawing and the explination along with it. It really helped bring attention to what you had to say which is great. After this, the sections (as well written as they were) got a little long and lost my attention a bit at the end but other than that I thought it turned out well. Good job!!! :)
    Audrey Thompson

  3. I did like the drawing. Good creativity, and explination.

  4. I think a lot of thought went into this. I would have liked to see more support of your argument. Maybe some stats, or averages, but I liked it. It was orginal.
    -Ally Fion

  5. i love the overall meaning of this lab! and your drawing was great! You proved your point perfectly


  6. i liked your project, but i think it needs more support behind it instead of what you think to be right. otherwise... good job!!!
    -shannon barron

  7. Baron and kevin,

    I liked the whole blog very much. You guys were tremendously creative in the way you approached the labs and very analytical in your explanation of your lab results. Although the whole blog was great, my favorite lab was your work on trust. I love the method you used to try to understand trust. You guys are real social capital detectives. Thanks for your hard work on this excellent blog! Whoot!
